The counter-intuitive nature of the Universe: what you allow to be allows you to be

What you resist persists. What you allow to be disappears… for you.
What you allow to be allows YOU to be.

Days of Power talk 20190419

We started with downloading the power of the day, and then had a conversation with varied topics, where I coached participants of the current Playground in various issues that came up. It was a good call. We touched on being entitled, on wearing rose colored glasses, etc. Worth a listen.

Let’s learn to craft an empowering context

Let’s learn to craft an empowering context

just the audio

the Peak book is here

Raising your vibration… taking correction

I had a series of workshops back in 2012, and this one is especially precious: it shows why you are afraid to change and the strategies, unconscious strategies you use to avoid change.

Here is just the audio, by the way

The call is long, so be prepared. It teaches a lot I am not teaching any more, but I should.
What give you juice? What is it that you are willing to “pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor?”

What gives you Juice in your life? If your answer is nothing… join the 99%

Nothing yet? join the 99% of humanity for whom staying the same is more important than anything else. Even if that “same” is misery, loneliness, wretchedness, poverty, and abuse.

In the call today and in the near future, until all of you get some JUICE, we’ll learn the fundamentals. I’ll take you from pre-kindergarten (this is where you are now) through a PhD… if you allow me.

Life is very different with a PhD: you are at choice, you are at your power, you actually feel happy, fulfilled and alive

Alive Inside

Alive Inside

I have been going to Senior exercise classes for two years now, and my life has a high point every week: the exercise class.

I just watched a documentary and I found out why. The documentary is introducing music through personal headphones and ipods to people with Alzheimer’s and dementia, showing that they come alive, and their memories, at least temporarily, return, and with it their sense of being a person, and joy.

I live in silence… and dance at the exercise class. I don’t have a radio, don’t have a TV, so I don’t listen to music, but when I accidentally do… I party. I celebrate… OK, too much information? ok… I shut up.

Predatory genes

Predatory genes

My notes: maximum predatory genes: 8
psychopathy is more than just predatory genes.

Putin and Trump have both 8 predatory genes, while Putin is NOT a psychopath.

research, science is often guessing

certain cultures higher number of predatory genes

exceptionally beautiful Russian and Ukrainian women

Continue reading

If it looks easy and yet…

If it looks easy and yet…

What comes after the dot dot dot?

You cannot even repeat the sentence…
You cannot do what it explained to do…
It doesn’t do what you were told it would do…

It happens all the time… and it leaves you puzzled, dumbfounded…

If that is you, you MAY belong here. MAY… Continue reading


What can you learn from a one-track pony?

What can you learn from a one-track pony?

I have been, I am just noticing, making myself miserable.

What got me out of that direction down to desperation, ultimately, a Carlos Castaneda quote:

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same

But, not so obviously, what Carlos Castaneda may be suggesting is that you practice positive thinking, which is a thoughtless practice… makes you really one-track minded. Continue reading